Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Two Delicious Smoothies for You and Baby

Smoothies are a good and tasty way to introduce fruits to your baby or toddler. They are packed with nutrients, as they are fresh, things that simply are not present in infant formula bottles. The smoothies are pureed, there is no risk of choking on something small like seeds or shells. Probably the best part is, you will also be able to enjoy a smoothie with your baby.

Here are two of our favorite smoothies:

Banana Smoothie

1-2 ripe bananas (if your baby is just below theSmoothie, go with a)

4 tablespoons apple sauce (not the way to the red, pink or green, even though they say that it "natural flavors" You do not go anywhere these chemicals near your children. Also avoid sugar applesauce and other fruits added. )

1 / 2 to 1 cup warm water (as in typical smoothies, you do not want no ice, because it is too cold for baby's gums add)

Add applesauce and pour in water. Blend mixture until it is a nice, liquidy consistency, then yourBanana (s).

You can also add some baby cereal into the mix, if you wish.

Pineapple Smoothie

2-3 cups frozen or fresh pineapple pieces

4 tablespoons apple sauce

1 / 4 cup water

Mix all ingredients together and enjoy.

You can mix these recipes and try new concoctions. The only important thing with fruit that you can handle your child's digestive system. Thus, most parents stay away from strawberries, until the baby is a toddler.This is due to the acidity of strawberries. The same is true for oranges and lemons and limes, of course.

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